Thanks to everyone that came out for the bake sale and baked for us!
Special thanks to our friend Sherrie for helping with logistics and traveling to NYC from PA to help!
Big thanks to Sarah for sticking around to help us out too!
MEGA THANKS TO NYCPET for hosting our event!
We raised $467!!!
So between us it came to $93 each!
So off I went to...
It was time to stock up the bakery, a colony I manage in LIC.
(This is also where I found Charlie)
So I picked up new pillows for their shelters,
Kirkland dry food,
some Fancy Feast,
I also nabbed these for future fosters. They come in handy when taking in new fosters and treating them for parasites as you can just toss them during treatment! Highly recommend!
We often focus on the cutesy lil kitties we take in, but we help other cats too.
Like Smokey here, this is as close as I get to him.
These cats live in a warehouse in LIC and I have been caring for them since 2009.
These cats aren't like foster kittens that pay you back with kisses and snuggles, they never even get close enough to touch. Just knowing they are safe, have a warm place to sleep and enough food to eat is thanks enough. Having a relationship with a feral colony can be a mystical experience. When the one you never see comes and watches you put out the food, or when you set up a camera while you leave for a bit to find the cat you never see snuck over to eat. Trapping...
Long story short, its all worth it.
Today was spring cleaning at the bakery!
The bakery is inside and closed, so they use litter boxes. These and their feeder and waterers needed to be disinfected and their shelter bedding changed.
Without water in the warehouse, the cleaning wipes came in handy. I was able to wipe it all down and let it sit before walking across the street, to the production warehouse, to rinse it all and fill up the waterers.
So here it is! All nice and clean!
Nice new pillows and cool bedding for the summer.
Cleaned out food and water containers
(yes, that's my name and number on the feeding station for emergencies - I smudged it in the photo;)

Here is where I keep all the supplies.
Litter back left, dry food left front, and in the bin we have Strongid (dewormer), paper towels, cleaning wipes, plastic gloves, paper plates, wet food, garbage bags, plastic utensils and a few other supplies

On the foster front...don't worry, there's plenty of cuddles and kisses over here at Big City Little Kitty;)
This is Evie and Houdini. Evie was a foster of mine last summer, she was only a couple weeks old, a "bottle baby" and was adopted in October with one of Eva's fosters, now called Houdini.
They were returned due to the adopter's daughter's allergies.
Evie is a complete snuggle bunny, attached to my hip! Houdini is a curious little guy that I thought was not so interested in snuggles...til this weekend. He's been curling up with me:)
They are ready for their forever home!
So thank you everyone for the boost from the bake sale!
The kittens in my home and the cats living at the bakery are very grateful!
-Big City Little Kitty
Great job! That's good work, my friend. And could those two be any more adorable? I think not!
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the good work you are doing!